The Center aims to recruit and develop management talents in strategic human resource capital or human resource analysis by encouraging our Ph.D. students to participate in international research projects
Talent Development
- Yen-Chu Lai(Ph.D. student) 、Ying-Ying Liu (GHRM MBA)、Chia-Chun Sun (IBMBA),led by Professor Shyh-Jer Chen, the Center’s director, and Professor Chiung-Wen Tsao from the Department of Business and Management at the National University of Tainan,participating in the 11th annual Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition (SG-FECC) at the University of Vermont (USA).Yen-Chu Lai (Ph.D. student of Human Resource Management at National Sun Yat-sen University) is awarded Best Presenter for the depth of analysis, conviction, and grace during SG-FECC 2024.(More….)
- Chieh-Yu Lin (Ph.D. student) is awarded by the MSTC Graduate Students Study Abroad Program and is currently a visiting scholar to the Terry College of Business in University of Georgia
- Sheng-Bin (Benson) Wang (Ph.D. student) is awarded by the MSTC Graduate Students Study Abroad Program and is currently a visiting scholar to the School of Management in Binghamton University, The State University of New York
- Yen-chu Lai (Ph.D. student) is awarded with the 2021 NSTC Scholarship Program for Elite Doctoral Students
- Chieh-Yu Lin (Ph.D. student) and Mayya Achyldurdyyeva (Ph.D. student) participated in the 2022 Submission Incubator Global Committee by the Academy of Management (AOM)
- Chien-Chung Kao’s (Ph.D. student) paper was accepted by the 2022 European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) (管理一學門推薦國際學術會議)Fu-Chen Guo’s (Ph.D. student) paper was accepted by the 2022 European Association for Work & Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Her paper was awarded as the Best Paper in the conference(管理一學門推薦國際學術會議)
- Yuan-Yu Chien, Chien-Chung Kao, Candice Wray, Chia-Hao Hsu, Yen-Chu Lai, and Yi-Ning Chu (Ph.D. students) had in total of 4 papers accepted by the 2022 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference (管理一學門推薦國際學術會議)
- Chin Tung Stewart Ng (Ph.D. student) is granted with the Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences (Conference: European Academy of Management)
- Chia-Hao Hsu (Ph.D. student) is granted with the Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences (Conference: 2022 Academy of Management (AOM))
- Yen-Chu Lai (Ph.D. student) is granted with the Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences (Conference: 2022 Academy of Management (AOM))
- Chieh-Yu Lin (Ph.D. student) and Wan-Ling Chien’s (Ph.D. student) paper was accepted by the 2021 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference
Talent Recruitment
- To recruit more excellent international students, Dr. David McConville designed the Ph.D. program website in English, providing recruiting information. Website:
- Yui Tsz Chit (Alex) and Candice Wray (international Ph.D. students) joined the program in 2021. Yui Tsz Chit (Alex)’s paper “Is Cyberloafing a Problematic Behaviour in the Organization?” has been accepted by the 2021 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference. Candice Wray’s paper has been accepted by the 2022 Academy of Management (AOM) Conference
- Chin Tung Stewart Ng’s (international Ph.D. student) article “When Conscientious Employees Meet Intelligent Machines: An Integrative Approach Inspired by Complementarity Theory and Role Theory” is accepted and published on the Academy of Management Journal (SSCI) (科技部管理一學門推薦第一級學術期刊)
- Mayya Achyldurdyyeva’s (international Ph.D. student) paper/article is accepted and published on the Human Performance (科技部管理一學門推薦學術期刊)
- Mayya Achyldurdyyeva’s (Ph.D. student) paper “Exploring the Boundary Conditions and the Mechanisms Linking Coworker Negative Emotional Expressions to Employee Prohibitive Voice and Interpersonal Deviance” is awarded as the Best Paper in the 2021 Taiwan Academy of Management (TAoM) Conference
- Jennet Achyldurdyyeva’s (Ph.D. student) paper is awarded as the Best Paper in the 2021 TSC Thesis Award
- Michal Polacek (international Ph.D. student) joined the Ph.D. Program in 2022
Talent Development Workshop
The Strategic Human Resource Center organized the Junior Scholar Forum and International Scholar Workshop in the summer with the support from our co-host, Taiwan Academy of Management (TAoM) and the College of Management of National Sun Yat-sen University. Domestic Ph.D. students in management field shared their research to 90 PhD students and faculty members globally